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City: Lethbridge, Alberta
Casino: Casino Lethbridge
Today's chip of the day is from Casino Lethbridge again... I feel like I am having deja vu. As I posted in my TR from the Dawson City trip I made a detour to Lethbridge and Calgary to recollect a couple of chips. Casino Lethbridge used the old Casino ABS chips for over 10 years after the name change so that is the chip that I collected when I was there in 2014. This is also the chip that I originally had posted as Casino Lethbridge but I have since edited that post to be for Casino ABS. They got Casino Lethbridge chips 2 years ago, so I stopped in to get a proper chip since I have never been to Casino ABS and I wanted a Casino Lethbridge chip. The casino hasn't changed since I was there the last time and I don't anticipate a return visit to this casino for many years.
The chip is a white Paulson RHC. The centre inlay is oversized, it is baby blue with a white center. The Pure Canadian Gaming logo is of the company that owns the group of casinos. I love the way they use the Canadian flag as part of the 'U'. These are the exact same chips as they use for Casino Calgary, Casino Edmonton and Casino Yellowhead except that each obviously has the proper casino name on the chip. The other side of the chip is the same except instead of the logo there is a much larger denomination in the middle. I forgot to take a picture of the other side but you can see it on MoGH if you'd like.
Category: Canada
City: Lethbridge, Alberta
Casino: Casino Lethbridge
Today's chip of the day is from Casino Lethbridge again... I feel like I am having deja vu. As I posted in my TR from the Dawson City trip I made a detour to Lethbridge and Calgary to recollect a couple of chips. Casino Lethbridge used the old Casino ABS chips for over 10 years after the name change so that is the chip that I collected when I was there in 2014. This is also the chip that I originally had posted as Casino Lethbridge but I have since edited that post to be for Casino ABS. They got Casino Lethbridge chips 2 years ago, so I stopped in to get a proper chip since I have never been to Casino ABS and I wanted a Casino Lethbridge chip. The casino hasn't changed since I was there the last time and I don't anticipate a return visit to this casino for many years.
The chip is a white Paulson RHC. The centre inlay is oversized, it is baby blue with a white center. The Pure Canadian Gaming logo is of the company that owns the group of casinos. I love the way they use the Canadian flag as part of the 'U'. These are the exact same chips as they use for Casino Calgary, Casino Edmonton and Casino Yellowhead except that each obviously has the proper casino name on the chip. The other side of the chip is the same except instead of the logo there is a much larger denomination in the middle. I forgot to take a picture of the other side but you can see it on MoGH if you'd like.
I give them the award for 'Best use of the Canadian flag on a gaming implement'
City: Box Elder
Casino: Northern Winz
Today's chip of the day is from Northern Winz Casino in Box Elder, MT. Northern Winz Casino opened on March 30, 2007. The casino has 60 Class II slots, 45 Class III slots and two poker tables. I don't think I have ever seen both Class II and Class III slots in the same casino. The place was pretty much empty both times I stopped in. The first time I went to find out when the game was starting and the second time to play. The first time while I was waiting for someone to ask I was playing Black Rhino at 45 cents per spin and hit all the scatters for $200 or $250, I don't remember which. I came back to the casino later for poker and they don't run on much of a schedule. The game started around 45 minutes after it was supposed to and it was slow going once it did start. It was 1/2 no limit but nobody bought in for more than $20 so we might as well have been playing limit poker. After a very boring 40 minutes I gave up my seat to another guy and cashed out. I did get lucky when a guy I was talking to at the table mentioned that a restaurant in town had a game on weekends but I will get to that with tomorrow's chip of the day.
The chip is a white Chipco with 3 faded grey edge inserts. The casino logo is of a Native American shooting a bow and arrow. The logo takes up most of the chip. The casino name is white and inside of the logo and the denomination is in blue. The word casino is in red and the colour has bled onto other parts of the chip. This chip had the least amount of bleeding I could find as some of the others were really bad!
... the colour has bled onto other parts of the chip. This chip had the least amount of bleeding I could find as some of the others were really bad!
That's a common problem with the 'Whites.' (Sometimes it annoys me that I am so cheap that I collect the $1 denomination!) It even happens with clay chips (in addition to ceramic chips like this one) and with white chips that don't have any bright colors on them at all -- the colors seems to transfer from the $5 and $25 chips that scrape against them on the tables and in the racks.I have to ask -- what's with the 'Winz' in the name? Is it a reference to a tribe? Does that word have some meaning in some language? Is it a play on 'Winds'? Is it supposed to look like 'Wing'? I don't have any guesses that seem reasonable.
And BTW, that other issue that was hanging around here recently seems to have been cleaned up very nicely and quite completely except for this obscure comment. Thanks to the folks who contributed to the solution!
As far as the name I found absolutely nothing. I couldn’t even find the name of the tribe that owns the casino. These Montana casinos don’t seem to have much info online.
City: Havre
Casino: PJ's
Today's chip of the day picks up where yesterday's left off. The chip is from PJ's Lounge in Havre, MT which is about 15 minutes from Northern Winz Casino. I stayed in Havre to collect from Northern Winz and was told about PJ's as I was leaving by one of the players. I drove into town and stopped at PJ's, there wasn't a game going anymore and the bartender said there probably wouldn't be that night. He said to come back at 1 the next day and a game would be running. The next morning I got a late checkout and then headed over to PJ's around noon. I ate at PJ's restaurant which is attached to the lounge. After lunch I headed over and about 15 minutes later a game started as people trickled in. PJ's has 10-12 Class II slots and the one poker table. I played for about a hour and won $110. We played dealers choice but most people chose to play Omaha Hi.
The chip is a yellow RTP with 12 white edge inserts that are a bit hard to see on the yellow. The centre inlay is black with what looks almost like yellow fireworks. PJ's and the denomination are in yellow with some shading. This is a very basic chip and not high quality but very nice in my opinion. Cheap chips don't have to look cheap if you do it right.
I still haven't been able to verify whether the renamed Harrah's Resort Southern California has any chips with the new name, other than a 'Grand Opening' commemorative $5 chip that I have seen a couple of places on the web.
Silver Reef Casino Restaurants
Well, it seems that I am still in the state of not being able to verify that. No one has posted a Harrah's Resort Southern California chip in this thread, and the only one on display in the MoGH Chip Guide is indexed under Harrah's Rincon and is the limited-edition (meaning not likely available any more) commemorative chip for the grand opening under the new name.
I'm bringing this up again because my wife and I will be in San Diego this coming weekend. If a new collectable chip were available, I would drive out to the renamed Harrah's to get one, but I hate to waste my time on a totally-reward-less venture.
Anyone know the status of chips there?
On a related topic, I checked the web site for the casino, specifically this page which shows a photo that certainly looks as if they are offering a 'real' craps game there. Another page here calls their offering 'Rincon Craps' but does not define that term. I did a search and found this page, which has a partial description including the statement:
In Rincon's new version, players roll dice to determine which of 12 cards are flipped over to decide wins and losses. Other than that, the play and betting at 'Rincon Craps' are the same as at any craps table in Las Vegas.
Not sure how to interpret that unless they use dice of two different colors (unlike the photo). If they did that, they could have six red cards with numbers (pip patterns) 1 through 6 and the same for six green cards. Shuffle the two sets and place them in six number boxes for each color. Then the red die and green die could indicate which cards are to be turned over. It would be the equivalent of rearranging the faces of the dice, I suppose. I once played a card craps game where they did this with ordinary dice and only used six cards.City: Auburn
Casino: Iron Horse
We are moving over to the west coast today. Today's chip of the day is from the Iron Horse Casino in Auburn, Washington. This is one of the many card rooms in the state of Washington. Iron Horse has 15 tables and no slots because only the Indian casinos are allowed slot machines. I stopped in for a brief visit in which I played a few hands of BJ and left a winner. The card room was packed while others that I visited were quite empty. I'm not sure what makes one card room busier than the others as they all seem to offer the same games and most of them gave away match play coupons to everyone.

The chip is one of the cooler ones that I collected from the state and for a Chipco it is in pretty solid shape with minimal fading. The chip is white with a grey centre that has lightning bolts. The top of the chip has the casino logo which includes a motorcycle that I wouldn't be able to identify if I had a gun to my head, I know absolutely nothing about bikes. Below the logo is the front of another motorcycle that I can't identify and the denomination is in white below that. The other side of the chip has the logo slightly bigger in the middle of the chip. The location is at the top of the chip and the denomination is at the bottom.
Silver Reef Casino Events
State: WashingtonCity: Ferndale
Casino: Silver Reef
Today's chip of the day is from the Silver Reef Casino in Ferndale, Washington. Silver Reef Casino opened on April 9, 2002. The casino has 1100 slot machines and 17 table games. The casino is owned by the Lummi Nation Tribe. I didn't stay too long, but long enough to sign up for a club card and get a few rewards from it. I was given $5 MP and $5 FP which I won a combined $18 from, I played BJ and I ran the FP through a slot machine called American Original. I also got $5 to use at the cafe which I used to buy a giant peanut butter cookie and a drink. I love peanut butter cookies!
The chip is white with two large blueish grey edge inserts. This chip looks exactly like a Paulson to me but it doesn't have the hat and cane so I am not sure of the maker. The casino name is embossed twice around the outside of the chip. The centre inlay is grey and has the casino logo on it. The boat plus all the words are a part of their logo.
City: Auburn
Casino: Muckleshoot
Today's chip of the day is from Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, Washington. The way it was explained to me Muckleshoot and Muckleshoot II are attached but have two separate licenses which is why I made the decision to collect both. They have completely separate sets of chips that can't be used or cashed out in the other casino. I started in Muckleshoot and then made my way over to Muckleshoot II. Muckleshoot Casino opened on April 27, 1995 with Muckleshoot II opening September 6, 2006. The two casinos have 3050 slot machines and 103 table games between them, I believe these are the combined numbers. Casinocity treats them as one casino whereas MoGH treats them as two which is why I wasn't sure whether to collect both chips or not until I got there.
The chip is a white Paulson RHC with no edge inserts. The centre inlay has a dream catcher with mountains in it. The denomination is inside the dream catcher in red. The casino name is in blue and the casino location is in black.
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I don't plan to go out of the way to collect, so that means of the ones not yet posted, I will visit Skagit Valley, Silver Reef, Swinomish, and Quil Ceda Creek. Also should be stopping at Tulalip and Angel of the wind since it'll be on the way to Vancouver.
OK, maybe I have time on the last day, I can detour down to Muckleshoot and the 2 Emerald Queens in Tacoma.
Last time was at the inaugural WoV_Con on June 15, 2011. We ate and partied a little at Main Street Station then walked over to Binion's for poker, where we almost filled a table with our group. I had fun and lost $10. I posted a terrible photo of the group, along with my summary write-up here.
Last poker game before that was in February 2003 at Ocean's 11 Casino in Oceanside, CA. I still had a job back in those days, and I was in CA with a couple of my associates working on a project at Camp Pendleton. We went over to Ocean's 11 a couple of times in the evening, and one night I joined in for some poker, my first of two (maybe 3) lifetime experiences at Texas Hold'em.
No, I don't hang around the poker rooms very much.
I guess not lol. Great game not as exciting as craps though :P
I'm planning a trip to Seattle and Vancouver next month and just noticed that we don't have chips posted for several (or more) places. I guess I will have a chance to post it!
I don't plan to go out of the way to collect, so that means of the ones not yet posted, I will visit Skagit Valley, Silver Reef, Swinomish, and Quil Ceda Creek. Also should be stopping at Tulalip and Angel of the wind since it'll be on the way to Vancouver.
OK, maybe I have time on the last day, I can detour down to Muckleshoot and the 2 Emerald Queens in Tacoma.
Great Konbu! Looking forward to your posting and pictures. BC in November? Bring a coat.
Silver Reef Casino And Hotel

City: Murphy
Casino: Harrrah's Cherokee Valley River
Man, that casino name is going to be a long one to fit into the array block in this thread's index! Fortunately, at least in this regard, this is only the second casino in North Carolina. With that small an index array, I think we can handle it.
I'm not going to post much about this casino, because (1) I have only been there once, and (2) I started a whole other thread here about that visit. I didn't post my chip then, because new forum policies had put me in a foul mood. At that time, we were in the midst of controversy about the new policy prohibiting editing of old posts and what problem that would create for the index to this thread. That crisis seems to have been averted.
The souvenir chip is a ceramic chip, and my unfounded guess is that it came from Game On Chip Company. If anyone has better info, please let me know.
This 'white' chip is more blue than white. The white areas consist of a mountain (I mean valley) logo at the top (with the river blued out), the full 'resort' name and location in font sizes that get progressively smaller with each line, and the denomination. There are two blue edge inserts intruding on the white rim.
UV light reveals that the Harrah's portion of the name and the denomination fluoresce, with some kind of stripes on top of the denomination. Both sides of the chip are the same.
I just got back from my trip and even though I had mentioned that I had not planned too much driving... I still planned way too much driving! I still managed 4100 miles in 8 days, I am now recovering. The gambling G-ds treated me quite well during the trip, after everything including some shopping I was up $10 on the trip.
A couple of notes from my trip: First off I hate when casino websites say they are in a town and then clearly are 2-10 miles out of town, that makes it really tough to find them, Second pet peeve is when they don't advertise well on the highway. I don't mind if the casino doesn't want to shell out the cash for signs but if you are going to maybe adding some directions to the casino would be nice.
As I have suggested to Doc, Deadwood, SD is a really neat and interesting town. I stopped there for a night again and remembered instantly why I loved the place. I definitely suggest it to anyone that has some extra time in the area.
I made my first additions to my collection from casinos in Oklahoma. The slot machines in OK make the most annoying noises over and over and over again. Obviously not their intentions but the noise cut my visits shorter. Not good for a casino.
I have a morals question, I think I was right in my thinking but I could be wrong. I was playing at Mystique casino in Iowa. I was playing HU Freebet BJ. I bet $10 dealer deals the cards, He has the A of spades showing and immediately checks for BJ, has it and flips his under card. I immediately said you didn't offer insurance. At which point he realized what he had done and tried to convince me that his face card was showing not the A. I said no, clearly had A showing and he calls over the pit boss. I explain and the dealer pleads that the face card was showing. I said no way and you can check the camera, I know what it will show. The pit boss looking annoyed said well were you going to take insurance. I said well your dealer is showing BJ of course I want insurance. Now here is the moral dilemma, I NEVER take insurance but I have the right IMO to be offered it and turn it down, a option that I was not given. Thoughts? What would you have done?
I have to sort and clean my new chips so I will look at starting to post them later this week.

The pit boss looking annoyed said well were you going to take insurance. I said well your dealer is showing BJ of course I want insurance. Now here is the moral dilemma, I NEVER take insurance but I have the right IMO to be offered it and turn it down, a option that I was not given. Thoughts? What would you have done?
Being a dealer is a thankless, blue collar, job. You are expecting to much from same. If you want a more professional setting you will have to go to a high limit room where I'm sure they use higher paid and more experienced dealers and pit bosses. These people are dealing with riff raff all day. You don't need to act like you are owed anything. You are in the gutter.
Being a dealer is a thankless, blue collar, job. You are expecting to much from same. If you want a more professional setting you will have to go to a high limit room where I'm sure they use higher paid and more experienced dealers and pit bosses. These people are dealing with riff raff all day. You don't need to act like you are owed anything. You are in the gutter.
I'm not sure if you are for or against what I did? Btw I dealt cards in casinos for over 2 years so I definitely understand the other side of the table.
I'm not sure if you are for or against what I did? Btw I dealt cards in casinos for over 2 years so I definitely understand the other side of the table.
I'm not sure either, but was and remain of the opinion you aren't dealing with professionals at a $10.usd black jack table at a venue so described. It's, to me, like giving dishwashers or janitors a hard time when you are given a dirty fork or find a bathroom 'not so clean'. I think you are expecting too much professionalism and good service.
I'm not sure either, but was and remain of the opinion you aren't dealing with professionals at a $10.usd black jack table at a venue so described. It's, to me, like giving dishwashers or janitors a hard time when you are given a dirty fork or find a bathroom 'not so clean'. I think you are expecting too much professionalism and good service.
It isn't like I yelled at the dealer, I asked nicely for the mistake to be fixed. Same as I would if I got a dirty fork or their were no paper towels in the bathroom. I would ask for a new fork, I wouldn't eat with the dirty fork. I am never rude to people for making a mistake while doing their job, but I don't think it is wrong to point out the mistake.
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